Well I am kinda at a loss here today about what I want to ramble and rant about. There has been so much said about so much already after all.
So today I am going to talk about something I really like. Skyrim! Yes! What a great game. I have bought four copies of that game. Yes, I know. I got mine and really got into it so I also bought the DLC, Dragonborn, Dawnguard and Hearth Fire. The copy I had was used so much that the center ring broke all to pieces and I was worried about using it further. So I got a new one for myself.
Then my son REALLY wanted to play it too so I got him his own copy so he would leave mine alone.
Now, the 360 version that I usually plays tends to lock up my console and since I rarely ever turn on my 360 anymore I got a copy for the PC. So I am playing through it all new again and really enjoying it. And yes, I got the game of the year version with the DLC.
Now, you maybe at this point asking your selves, "Why are you re-playing a game you have already played so much?". Well the simple answer would be because I really got hooked on it. You can role play a custom character through a realm spanning adventure using swords, bows and magic!
One play through I used nothing but a bow. I died a bunch yes, but I leveled up and got stronger and it was so much fun!
Another I used nothing but magic and equipment that helped with magic. It was okay, but I missed my melee weapons.
Sometimes I play through using two handed weapons and heavy armor. Sometimes one handed and light armors. It just depends on what I am feeling and how I want to play. Sometimes I go along with the story line in perfect order, doing each quest as I get it.
Sometimes I just play through wandering, doing random quests and exploring the realm. Never doing the main story quest, just leveling and killing bandits and undead!
So I guess really the thing about the game that gets me is that's it kind of like going back and playing D&D. Yeah, I still have my books as well!
The game just looks nice, plays nice and I can get lost in it for a couple of hours of fun and excitement. And yes, even replaying it I still enjoy it all over again! Somethings I look forward too, some I don't and put off or just never do.