I suppose I really need to work on my postings a bit more. I mean after all, the 107 people who have visited this blog do need something to read after all right?
So what to blog about today? Well, how about this amazing person I have found via blogger.com who goes by the handle of Veg. She started her blog to talk about the poor quality of her school's lunches. Since then the quality have improved very nicely. She was even told she had to stop blogging about them as the school was catching heat about it. So, a quick blog later and she is back!
Now, the other thing about this little girl is her ability and desire to help others. So, instead of complaining about something she took action! Now, this is an elementary school aged child (I think she said she was 9 or 10) who made a difference. Not only that but she started to raise money for kids in Africa. Nearly 100,000 pounds later (she is I believe in Scotland) she is off I would say to one heck of a start!
So, you might be asking your self dear reader, why I bring this up? Well, the blog neverseconds is not only interesting, but informative as well. I find it to be a breath of fresh air to see someone so young who is not interested solely in some music group or movie star. She is out to make a difference in this world. So, watch out for this one folks, she is a world shaker and a force to be reconned with. Six million plus hits already and one hell of a start towards her goal of helping others.
Yeah folks, this is a real role model for your kids. So Veg, I doubt you will read this blog but if you do, please keep up the good work.
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