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Thursday, January 19, 2012


SOPA: Well I can see lots of people added their names to the list to stop this act....I am so proud of my friends! Working to make a difference...I like it! I am sad however to say that it's going to pass for a couple of simple reasons, Money and Power. The people producing the materiel that is being pirated have that and more. They are the ones pushing for this to happen due to perceived losses.

However, the major losses these companies receive is mostly due to themselves. For example, according to last years #1 album (I am old shup) was 21 by Adele. Cost at Wal-Mart, who does not stock nor price set for CDs or movies, 14.98. Album was released nearly a year ago.

The music industry spends millions of dollars to get one song by a crap band played heavily on the radio and get a video made so they can hype it up. So this one song, which is probably written by someone other than the people singing it, is put on a CD with 6 to 9 other crap songs. Now, to buy the song you want generally will cost you 18.99 or so. FOR ONE SONG!!!!

Now, I will grant you that not all CD's are filled with crap music but nearly 20.00 for a music CD? Do we wonder why ITunes is such a hit? .99 for the song you want much better. So because of this I can see why so many CD's are copied and passed through friends so much. Mostly because their target market is kids who don't always have the money to buy that CD.

Wonder why cassette tapes died? Because people had the ability to copy them easily. My cassette deck has a high speed dubbing feature so I can copy tapes very easily. Not to mention I can remember hanging out with my friends waiting to record that awesome song off the radio when it came on. Hence the death of the cassette, which was pushed by the music industry and Sony who put MILLIONS into the researching of the CD.

So, music industry the answer is right in front of you. You just choose not to see it and point the finger elsewhere. And your competition is not with those people, but it's with the groups in Hong Kong, The Middle East, and parts of Europe and Russia who run your CD's and movies off by the THOUSANDS and you know there is nothing you can do about that. So keep lashing out at the people who legit purchase your crap and just watch and see if they don't put you out of business

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