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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Point of interest, at least to me

Well, yesterday I read an article in our local paper about Planned Parenthood losing federal funding. The reason behind this loss of funds is that they PP does abortions. Now while I personally do not agree with abortion I do find myself on the fence with it. I am, what is now only said in hushed terms, a Constitutionalist.

Now, basically what that means is that I still believe in the Constitution Of The United States. Now, in that little old document that was written by the fore fathers of this nation it states a few things that some people are trying very hard to remove for our society now. One of those is the Freedom Of Choice. Now what does that mean? Well to put it simply it gives you the choice to do or not to do things.

It is a catch 22 in some ways though. However I think that in the sense of the wording of that freedom what it means is "If you don't like something don't do it, you don't have too". Now that does not take into account the violation of laws or other peoples rights. So don't take it as a means to not pay your taxes. That amendment only applies to your personal life and beliefs.

So, in the simplest terms it mean that if you don't like abortion then don't have one. Now yes dear readers, I know that is a narrow term and view. I merely use this as an example to make a point. Yes also I know that my view points would probably mean that some of you (all 11 at this point!) might think I need to be tarred and feathered and run out of town! Before you start the tar bubbling think about this for just a moment though will you please?

If we take away a woman's choice, even though we may be totally opposed to it as I am, what is next? Everyday we lose freedoms in this country that our Constitution gives us. What that means is one day you won't have a choice in anything. You will be forced to put your kids in a school that won't teach them anything. One day you will told that "No, you can't drive this type of car as it does not conform to our imagined sense of the type of gas mileage it should get". How about this one, Yes we know your grandmother is important to you but because of her advanced age and the likely hood that she would die in less than five years anyway we have decided not to give her the pace maker.

Sound like something out of work of fiction? Just take a look at the world around you right now. Groups are already at work to remove things from you. Take a look at the movement to remove the teaching of Evolution because it goes against their view of where life came from. Removing the mere fact they don't want to listen to the fact that Evolution does not talk about how life came to be but how it has changed to adapt. Don't forget there are groups out there right now that also want to ban homeschooling as it doesn't teach kids how to interact with other children. Also it allows for a more broad based standard of education they find "unacceptable" which as you know we can't have.

So sit back and do nothing or say nothing. Even if you are for or against it. Let it go and watch it crumble. Yet when it happens please don't complain as no one will want to listen. After all, your stance on it was that you didn't want to do anything about it or be bothered. So hate me for my views and bash away! I look forward to it in fact. At least that way you will get to talking about something and doing something about it.

Thanks for your time. I certainly do appreciate it.

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