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Sunday, July 3, 2011

What a load of it it is!

I just recently read a book. It was one of those books people read to say they have indeed read it. More to show how deep they are then anything else. What I have heard described as "Intellectual snobbery". Now, some people maybe wondering why these books are published, I know I was after reading this piece of nonsense. However I think I can answer that one. They are published for the same reason they are written, so publishers along with authors can feel they are above everyone else.

The worst part of this is, the writers of these books will people who say "I don't understand the meaning behind your book" will answer with "Of course not, you don't have the intellect to do so!" and walk away. The best part about these "books" is that the authors think they are superior to you the reader. Sadly, they are terribly wrong. Books written to show the intellect of the writer generally fail to do anything other than make that author look as stupid as they are. Snobbery at it's finest!

There are people out there who do however enjoy these books. They are also the same ones who will talk about things that no one else has ever heard of. When the opinion is made that "No one really cares about or knows anything about that" they get defensive and go about the decline of intelligence in the world. Of course if you ask them about real world events or political situations they get a very blank glazed over look. What is a person to do?

The faking of intelligence is a waste of time when the most basically educated person can see right through you! So what is the point of it all? To boost the ego of a fragile brittle person. The need to feel superior to people in such a way is tragic and those sort of people need to be labeled and put on an island somewhere so they can't keep polluting the gene puddle!

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