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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ramble of the day

So, not much really going on today. More Casey Anthony bullshit. Some jerk off is offering her a million bucks for an interview.  What a crock.  I am so sick of hearing about her. I am glad that group in Texas that helped search for Caylee is suing her ass off as well as that lady with the name Casey said kidnapped Caylee.

Ah, I am sick of it all. Nothing but bad stuff in the news lately. One exception is this new HIV medication they are testing. Supposedly it lowers your chances significantly of catching this horrible disease. Also kinda funny they are testing it in the birthplace of AIDS, Africa.

It is funny to me though that people are still up in arms over same sex marriage. When are people going to wake up and realize that people are just people? Everyone is and should be, entitled to the same things anyone else is entitled too. If a man wants to marry another man what does it hurt? Simple answer is NOT A THING! He has found happiness in a solid relationship and wants to take it another step. Does that mean your property values will go down? Nope.

The thing of it is they are settling down. Most same sex people who want to get married have been in their relationships for a long time. They are monogamous and highly committed in their relationship. In fact they are usually more committed than most straight people I know.

So why not let them be and live their lives? Zealotry. Simple huh? The bible says it's wrong! Well the word homosexual was not even around when the bible was written. Also the word "Gay" was not used to mean homosexual until really in the late 1800's. It used to mean Happy for shits sake!

Life goes on though and things are changing. As I told a friend of mine who is gay "Change takes time but it does happen. It may not be over night, today or tomorrow but it will happen". And it is happening. Just means we are moving closer to all being equal in this world. Which, if you happen to ask me, is not a bad thing at all really.  Does that mean I believe in peace on Earth? Nope, never happen as long there is more than one person on Earth. Anymore than that and there will disagreements and probably conflict.

On a side note, I heard Rodney King was arrested again. For what you ask? Yep, DUI! Some folks never learn. Drinking and driving do not mix. If you want to booze up, stay home!

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