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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Well it had to happen sooner or later.

So, they are again defacing a classic. Yep, that's right. They are re-writing the Bible! Yes, you did in fact read that right.

Now, they are doing this not to change the meaning or stories of the Bible but to change the language of it. So now Genesis will read "When God began to create the heavens and the earth." instead of "In the beginning.". Jesus will also now be known as "the Human One" instead of "the Son of Man".

Also it says to be more respectful of aliens and immigrants as "Don't mistreat or oppress an immigrant, because you were once immigrants in the land of Egypt."

Does anyone still buy that anymore? That mankind started life in Egypt? Well I suppose some do yes.

I bring this up simply as the thought of making something that so many people believe so strongly in "more readability and broader appeal" is CRAZY! People don't believe in the Bible because it's easy to read, they believe in because they have been taught too.

Now, as many of you know I am not the most religious person you will encounter on the street but I have read the bible. A couple different translations of it and even the forbidden books of the bible. Yes, there are books to the bible that you won't find in the book in the back of the pew. Why weren't they included you ask? Well suffice to say that it would certainly paint your faith in a bit different a picture. Yeah I also read the Mormon book also.

So what does this mean to folks? It means that writings of men, written in a language that was not spoken for hundreds of years when it was translated, is once again being re-written. No, it was not written by God it was in fact written by men. Sorry to burst that bubble. Personally I can't wait to see what some of the mainstream hardcore religious people out there have to say about it. Should make for some interesting reading and a few laughs as well!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We all know that in the Bible, it says to not alter in any way or form, So that alone, is the biggest screw up that can be done... We also know that God simply chose the words to have put in the Bible, all the prophets are the ones whom took Gods words and placed them on paper, So theoretically i suppose,man would say they wrote the Bible, and God had nothing to do with it, but we clearly know, God wrote it, through words. You do not have to be the one using the pen, to write a story, if its your thoughts, and came from your mind, you wrote it, despite the fact you may not have actually put it on paper yourself...

  3. But take this in account. The bible was written and put together by people who were not there. It was written by people who did not know John the Baptist or Paul or Judas, or any of the others. In fact, the bible was not written until a couple hundred years after the fact. In a language that is no longer spoken.

    Then it was translated, several times, into languages including Latin that were being spoken at the time. All with changes and revisions. Words were changed and theologists added to it or took away from it. The bible you and I read today is not the same as it was when it first started.
