Well by now nearly everyone in the country has heard that Casey Anthony will get out of jail next Thursday. The state did not either present enough evidence or did not present it in the right way.
Now what will she do? She has lied about and alienated everyone close to her. She destroyed her relationship with her parents. Her dad was basically put on trial for unproven abuse charges, which by the way does not in way shape or form excuse her actions. She has no where to go, no job and no skills other than lying. So what is left for her? Well a book deal, movie deal, perhaps a spread in Penthouse magazine? More than likely one or all of those things.
The sad part is that people will buy her book, watch her movie and oogle her spread (pardon that pun there please) so she will profit from this. Truly a sad situation there. What is a person to do? Boycott of course. Anyone who buys her book just enables her. It allows her to live the party life style she wants to have. It keeps her in the spotlight she so craves.
Did she kill little Caylee? Yes I think she did. I don't think she did it intentionally. I think she just chloroformed her little daughter so she could go out and party and have a good time. When she came home she found little Caylee dead and freaked. So rather than call the police and admit what she did and face the punishment for it she covered it up with lies. There lies the tragedy. Yes should would probably have gone to jail for it but at least for once she would have done the right thing.
Hard to take yes? Harder to take is the thought that Casey will profit from this. We will enable her to do so. Why? Because it boils down to us as a people want to know what Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie had for breakfast. We want to know who Jennifer Anniston is sleeping with.
Personally I think that every person who was in involved with the search for Casey Anthony's daughter needs to sue her for lost wages and what ever they can think of. At least that way she won't be able to profit from this. That way at least there would be a very tiny piece of justice in this.
Shame on the state of Florida for the way they handled this case. Had to go for the big home run hit instead of a double or even a base hit. Could they have convicted on a lesser charge, say negligent homicide? More than likely so. But now, she will spend one more week in jail and then be set free.
So, who do they look at now? Do they stop investing the death of Caylee? I hope not. Rest in peace little Caylee. I do wish we could have done more for you. Yes we do not know the whole story behind your little life being cut short and sadly may never know. Caylee if you mother truly did not want you I certainly would have accepted you into my home to become a part of my family. I am sure thousands of others feel the same way.
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